Monday, May 6, 2013

Mari Has a Dream- behind the scenes =)

 box 1
- I didn't use the little fish in the final version
                                                   visual :clouds,  world map zooming in
                       Audio:  This story starts in Brazil with a girl called Mari.
Box 2
Visual : same background  Brazil’s map, my painting and drawings popping up on the screen, and I sliding through the screen, while I get my painting clothes*

Audio: she likes to draw and painting and she has being doing it forever!
box 3
Visual: me laying in bed  with hearts and animation movies posters around me
Audio: and this girl, She loves animation!
Box 4
Visual:  3d  Dream letters  with scrapbook paper texture (need to do it –illustrator and photoshop) appears first bouncing from the top of the screen.
Then me, then Dream.
 Audio: Also Mari has dream. Dream was born out of her imagination. They are best friends! Most of the time he lives inside Mari’s Head, but for this story we going to let him out! There he is!
Box 5
Visual: my hand feeding dream drawings 3 times
Audio: Dream gets fed out of her creativity. He loves it!

box 6
Visual Dream the TV and I real movies on the TV.
Audio: One day when they were watching T.V.  Dream had an idea!
That Mari should be an animator since she loved it so much! 

box 7
Visual: Dream pointing to the U.S Map
Audio: She should fly to United States where the big studios are! And be famous! that Simple!!!

box 8
Visual Thumbs up very graphic
Audio Mari really liked the idea!

box 9
Visual:  my hand with a hammer breaking my pig bank
Audio: So she got her savings, 

box 10
Visual: Real x Dollar and me crying
Audio: the currency rate hummm
ohhh no! that’s  is not going to be enough…

box 11
Visual: dream close up big eyes almost crying, just like the puss in boots on shrek!
Audio: Poor Mari…..

box 12
Visual:  Dream giving me his monster bank
Audio: Dream helped her out after all he wanted to become true!

box 13
Visual: dream and I flying in an airplane day and night because it’s really far!
Audio: So together they flu to America.  

box 14
Audio: its kinda far you know…
box 15
Visual: airplane same map and clouds intro
Audio: they landed in the Animation Paradise, The Bay area! 

box 16
Visual:  me and dream with luggages airplane in the back
 Audio: Mari is in the right place now she needs to go to an awesome College, Get a degree and launch her career!

box 17
Visual:  Expression Logo with expression pics, and me with thumbs up
Audio: and she want’s to go to Expression College

box 18
Visual: me with a graduation gown and cap, holding a scholarship bag
Audio: But for this she needs to get an awesome scholarship!

Box 19
Visual: close up  me  with empt pockets, and fly  comes out of my pocket flying
Audio:Because she doesn’t have much money!

Box 20
Visual: me petting my Dream
Audio: Thank you  for  helping to feed Mari's Dream!